Christof Klute
In his new works, Christof Klute deals with the spaces of human co-existence which correlate with ideas of social utopias of modernity (e.g. buildings by Le Corbusier, Niemeyer, Taut).
The artist creates photo series that makes architectural space not an object of impartial observation but a place of subjective experience. He achieves this by repeatedly visiting the same locations, exploring their atmosphere in varying conditions of illumination and eyeing particular recurring details. This way, pictures between atmosphere and abstraction come about.<br />
lives and works in Cologne
born in Münster
studies of Theology at Münster University
studies of Philosophy at Cologne University
studies at Rotterdam University (Netherlands)
studies of Photography at Düsseldorf Arts Academy in Bernd Brecher and Thomas Ruff´s class (master pupil)
gestern genau jetzt, SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne
Poetik des Erinnerns, Stadthausgalerie Münster
Faith, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT, USA
Sky, Galerie Ulrich Fiedler, Cologne
Schnittstellen, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Christof Klute Fotografien 1995-2000, Löhrl Fotografie | Die Fotogalerie, Mönchengladbach
Philosophical Traces, Atelier Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Kölnphoto III / Kunst Köln, Löhrl Fotografie | Die Fotogalerie
European Art Expo, NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, Löhrl Fotografie | Die Fotogalerie
Passion, Welde Kunstpreis, Schwetzingen
Landschaft, Kölnphoto IV / Kunst Köln (special exhibition), Cologne
Places of Utopia, Caritas Galerie, Berlin
Unités d´Habitation, Galerie im Forum, Leverkusen
Orte, InformationSystems + Services, Düsseldorf
Galeria Altxerri, San Sebastián, Spain
Tandem - 50 Jahre Mühlheimer Kunstverein, Kunstmuseum Mühlheim an der Ruhr
Spirituelle Orte, Löhrl Fotografie - Die Fotogalerie Mönchengladbach<br>
Christof Klute - Galeria Maior, Pollença, Spain
Christof Klute - Galleria Cons Arc, Chiasso, Switzerland
Museo Villa Croce, Genua, Italy
"No hay tal Lugar. Territorios de lo invisible." Castillo Santa Bárbara, Alicante, Spain
"Kirchenstücke", Corbusierhaus Berlin
Aldrich Undercover, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT, USA
30 Jahre Galerie Löhrl, Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach
"Kirchenstücke", Stiftung St. Matthäus, Berlin
"Fenster", Orangerie Schloss Rheda
"L´esprit moderne", Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach
The White City, Fondazione Rolla, Bruzella, Switzerland
Windows of the world, Museo Cantonale d´Arte, Lugano, Switzerland
Manresa, Kirche am Hohenzollernplatz, Berlin
Kulturlandschaften, Villa Henkel, Potsdam
PreRemember, LABOR, Cologne (with G. Mies)
"250 - Jubiläumsausstellung der Galerie Löhrl", Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach
"Silent Views", Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach
Suiten - Serien - Mappen, Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach
Visions of Modernism Today - Bauhaus Architecture in Contemporary and Historic Photography, Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
"Christof Klute - Orte", pub. Löhrl Fotografie - Die Fotogalerie and ISS Düsseldorf
"Christof Klute - Spirituelle Orte", pub. Löhrl Fotografie - Die Fotogalerie